Neo-Pr (Paperback) - Christopher Caldiero

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Neo-Pr (Paperback) - Christopher Caldiero Product Description

Process excellence has been the holy grail of performance improvement methodologies (TQM, BPR, ERP, Six Sigma, Lean, BPM, etc.) for more than two decades. Still few companies have been able to turn process performance into a competitive advantage...and even fewer have been able to sustain performance excellence for an extended period of time. How can your organization do better?
Business process management isn t a program or technology investment. It is a philosophy that incorporates and integrates proven techniques to deliver sustainable business improvements. No matter where your firm is in its journey, The Process Management Memory Jogger has tools you can use to:
- Clarify and focus on what is of value to the customer
- Foster cross-functional cooperation
- Analyze the full supply chain via System Mapping
- Map and explore the logic of how work is done
- Generate process improvement solutions
- Align processes with IT systems via Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
- Maximize the competitive impact of process performance in conjunction with the Balanced Scorecard

This pocket guide can be used to jog your memory about essential process mapping and analysis tools. Or it can be used to craft plans for enterprise process management and to establish process-based competitive strategies. The tools and techniques in The Process Management Memory Jogger will prove valuable to you and your organization for years to come.

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